Oppenheimer, Yehuda: The Magic Accordion of Yehuda Oppenheimerposted: 08-Nov-2004
Williams, Roland: The Classical Accordion: Review of the Berio Festival posted: 26-Sep-2004
Lips, Friedrich: It seems like Yesterday, (Installment 2)--Vladislav Solotaryov posted: 25-Sep-2004
Carovillano, David and Sajo, Becky: Acclarion
posted: 01-Sep-2004
Howard, Rob: An A to Z of the Accordion and
related instruments
posted: 20-Aug-2004
Lips, Friedrich: It seems like Yesterday, Part IV (Installment 1)--Vladislav Solotaryov posted: 06-Aug-2004
Doktorski, Henry: Vaudeville Accordion Classics: The Complete Works of Guido Deiro
Review by Peter Ayers in July/August edition of "Accordion World" posted: 05-Aug-2004
Richard Galliano UK Tour posted: 04-Jul-2004
Classical Accordion Concerts in the United Kingdom January-March 2004 posted: 04-Jul-2004
New Score by Sofia Gubaildulina: Under the Sign of the Scorpio
Concert: Salvatore di Gesualdo (accordion) at Vallisa Church - Bari, Italy
Igor Sayenko: The Rizol Quartet (The Free-Reed Journal no. 111) Created February, 2004
Henry Doktorski: Performing in Kurt Weill's Opera "Mahagonny" (The Free-Reed Journal no. 110) Created February, 2004
Paul Magistretti: Deiro, Doktorski and Vaudeville (The Free-Reed Review No. 323) Created January, 2004
Book Review: The Accordion in All Its Guises (The Free-Reed Review No. 322) Created January, 2004
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